Product Merchandising

Display Programming
ISLD requires submissions for approval of Floor, POD & Rack displays throughout the year. With limited space in our stores, we use this process to make the most meaningful decisions for our partners and customers alike.
Displays are active for two month periods. Please note January Floor and Rack displays cannot be installed until January 15th to allow for cleaning.
Display Programming Submissions
ISLD Display Program Summary Form must be completed for each display program. Please select the period and submit accordingly:
Display Timelines:
JANUARY/FEBRUARY: Submissions due Sept 15 – Jan/Feb (Notify Oct 1st) 4 weeks of inventory is confirmed for allocation by Dec 15 (no later)
MARCH/APRIL: Submissions due Nov 15 – Mar/Apr ( Notify Dec 1st) 4 weeks of inventory is confirmed for allocation by Feb 15 (no later)
MAY/JUNE: Submissions due Jan 15 – May/June (Notify Feb 1st) 4 weeks of inventory is confirmed for allocation by April 15 (no later)
JULY/AUGUST: Submissions due Mar 15 – July/Aug (Notify April 1st) 4 weeks of inventory is confirmed for allocation by June 15 (no later)
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER: Submissions due May 15 – Sept/Oct (Notify June 1st) 4 weeks of inventory is confirmed for allocation by Aug 15 (no later)
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER: Submissions due July 15 – Nov/Dec (Notify Aug 1st) 4 weeks of inventory is confirmed for allocation by Oct 15 (no later)
Display Types
Floor Displays
Floor displays will be considered for brands that warrant a minimum of 7 cases of sales per store lobby size during a 4 week period - we will ask for specific lobby size submissions based on the following criteria:
- All Display Stores – 58 Stores – to submit for this display, a minimum of 464 cases of inventory is sold on average during a 4 week period.
- XL/L & Med Lobbies Only – 48 Stores - to submit for this display, a minimum of 384 cases of inventory is sold on average during a 4 week period.
- XL/L Lobbies Only – 20 Stores – to submit for this display, a minimum of 160 cases of inventory is sold on average during a 4 week period.
NOTE: To determine what display you should submit for, you will need to calculate 4 weeks of inventory based on our sales. This is calculated by total bottle sales in the past 12 month divided by 12 and divided by pack size. For example, 12,000 bottles sold/12 months/6 pack = 166 cases per month – this would qualify for a XL/L Lobby only submission and 8 cases would be allocated to each store in the lobby size category during the programming period.
Floor Display Submissions requirements include proposed NABCA(s), Current MSRP, Discount Price, Giveaway item, Promotional Tie In & specific lobby distribution.
Regular (R) items included in the Popular Price Tier and above are only considered for Floor Displays.
POD Displays
POD submissions should be focused on innovation and require three recipes included for consideration on the submission. ISLD has 41 stores with POD displays. POD graphics/recipes will be due 15 days after receiving your display approval.
POD Display Submission requirements include proposed NABCA(s), Current MSRP, Discount Price, Giveaway item, Promotional Tie In & 3 unique recipes to be displayed.
Regular (R) & New (N) items are only considered for POD Displays.
Rack Displays
Rack submissions will also be considered for brands that have an innovative rack display. Display Racks are provided by the supplier. An image of the display must be included with the submission for consideration.
Rack Display Submission requirements include proposed NABCA(s), Current MSRP, Discount Price, Giveaway item, Promotional Tie In & a description and image of the rack with details of total cases that fit on the rack.
Regular (R) & New (N) items will be considered for Rack Displays. Limited (L) items may also be considered at ISLD discretion.
Display Programming Inventory
Floor displays do not require additional inventory for allocation. Floor displays are selected and executed with 4 weeks of inventory being allocated and leaving additional inventory in the warehouse to sustain shelf integrity. Inventory is to be in good standing at time of allocation, while not to exceed 8 weeks of inventory per our Portal Inventory requirements.
POD displays require 41 x12 pack cases or 82 x6 pack cases of each item in stock at time of allocation confirmation. This may exceed our 8 weeks of inventory maximum but should be at regular inventory levels after allocation is distributed. Suppliers are to ensure they have 4 weeks of inventory after time of allocation to support the display and sustain shelf integrity.
Rack inventory will be approved on your submission and the number of cases it takes to activate the rack. Inventory in our warehouse should not exceed 8 weeks of sales at any time and inventory must be available to sustain shelf integrity.
Calculating 4 weeks of sales: Inventory is calculated by bottles sold divided by 12 months; however for newer items inventory is divided by months in market. For example if an item has been in market for 2 months and sold 500 bottles of a 6 pack item, it would look like this 500/6/2 = 41 cases have been sold in a month.
If you have questions about how much inventory is needed, please reach out to your broker for assistance.
Display Programming Discount
The retail price discount on each item may be either a Price Reduction (PR) or Supplier Price Allowance (SPA). All pricing guidelines and details may be found here ISLD Pricing Information & Guidelines.
ISLD reserves the right for exceptions to be made on seasonal, one-time-buys, gift sets and allocated items to be featured on display without a price reduction during a promotional display period.
ISLD reserves the right to make changes to display programming at any time.
Standardized Sale Signs are Required:
ISLD SALE SIGN TEMPLATE 8.5 X 11 - Required for floor displays
ISLD SALE SIGN TEMPLATE 5.5 X 8.5 - For rack and smaller displays; also multi priced floor displays with multiple signs
Revised August 2023